I'm officially 27 today. And NO, that doesn't mean I'm THIRTY. I'm sure I will be just fine when I'm there - thirty, I'll be thirty, flirty and thriving. But seriously I'm not ready to round it up!
Happy Birthday to
Jessica Summers and Brian McBride!! We could've been triplets or something. :o)
Yesterday, my mom hosted a small party for me. Here's a picture of the dining area. I think it's so pretty!! I have pictures with people in them...only I haven't uploaded them. I'll share a few when I do.

I was a little bummed that my dad wasn't here. He called this morning to sing me the birthday song....He doesn't miss a birthday EVER! I can't wait for him to get back on Tuesday. SPEAKING OF BIRTHDAY SONGS: I received several calls today with AMAZING versions of birthday songs. One was from
Jennifer W. Beyer whose rendition has become a tradition in my life - may Mary and Joseph smile down upon you too, Jenn! And the other was from
Jennifer M. Tufts who had a professional sing the Incredible Pizza birthday Song! :o)
So.....I splurged and bought myself something that I've wanted and not necessarily needed for quite some time. I'm convinced it's already changed my life for the better. :o) It's called an
And I also got a great
children's poetry book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, because it really is that much
fun!! I read it cover to cover already. And I'll read it some more this week, I'm sure.
I have to go to bed now...since it's past my bedtime. So I leave you with a poem with LIFE application. It's IMPORTANT!
Johnny stuck jellybeans up his nose,
That's a pretty dumb thing to do.
But the other kids said, "Hey, John's real cool.
Let's put beans up our noses, too!"
Well, a kid can't breathe with beans up his nose
'Cause they get all stuck inside.
So John and the kids, well, I hate to say it,
But they coughed and they choked and they died.
That's a pretty grim tale, I must admit,
And it may not all be true,
Still when somebody cool does something dumb
You don't have to do it, too.
So don't be one of those
With jellybeans up your nose.