I was nervous about teaching older kids (3rd and 4th graders). I mean, I liked my first graders. I found out quickly there was nothing to be nervous about. Instead there's lots to get excited over. Like the fact that there was no crying at all. There's lots of independent, self-motivated students (not true for all). And their humor is SO stinken fun!!
I don't know if they'd never read Miss Nelson is Missing, but they giggled so much when I read it to them. I loved that! I was telling them that I could be either Miss Nelson or Miss Viola Swamp. They for sure have tested it and I am proud to announce that my teacher look was perfected yesterday. It received an AMAZING response! YES!
When I got home, I received a phone call from one of my sweet friends. I was in the middle of finishing up a small project and I told her I'd call her back. Well, I didn't. Why? I had fallen asleep around 9:30 pm on my work and slept so hard that I actually DROOLED all over my arm and my work. Thankfully it was laminated!! Whew!
So - that was my first day. It was super duper! And super exhausting!