In college, some friends of mine asked me to go on a bike ride with them to the park that wasn't too far away from our campus. BEAUTIFUL PARK! Anyway, they had access to 10 speeds, while I...ended up with a rusted Wal-mart bike that had no gears. And the dumbest thing I chose to do was to NOT bring water with me.
As I was huffing and puffing, my friends were enjoying their leisurely stroll through the neighborhood. I literally got to the point that I thought I would pass out if I didn't have something to drink! I was so desperate I was willing to start knocking door to door until someone gave me a glass of water.Luckily, there was a woman watering her lawn. I went up to her looking like a Mexican gone through a drive through car wash (without the car) and asked to please have a glass of water. She looked at me and didn't say a word - she was extremely apprehensive about a stranger approaching her. With all the desperation in the world, I said, "Ma'am, I don't want to go into your home. I just want water. I'm willing to drink it from your hose."
So, she handed me the hose (I KNOW!!) and I DRANK the most life enhancing
WATER I've ever had in my life.
No longer a wilted flower, I got back on the bike and somehow managed to
get through the bike ride thinking how accurate scripture is when refering to Jesus as the Living Water....and of course - I was also amazed the woman only offered me her water hose.
Anyway - Something I picked up. CHOCOLATE!
It's horrible. What is the point of dropping COKE when you're going to start up on CHOCOLATE!?!?! I don't get it... If it's around I can't say no. I have to practice SELF-CONTROL!!
One thing that I think will help is knowing that CHOCOLATE can trigger migraines. I wouldn't touch a migraine with a ten foot pole...so why would I touch the chocolate that triggers it?
So if you're my friend you won't bring it around me. (Just kidding. You can have it, I just have to CUT BACK on the KISSES!)