Look at this winning design:

To see other designs click HERE!
And LOOK!! Remember the blog entry from November 2007? Yeah!! The family had a newspaper challenge too and Hannah created a really beautiful dress!

In the second picture, you can see the Super Hero costume we made for Andy (right) and how other designers didn't give Sophia the option of free limbs (left). Without asking what Sophie thought the designers wrapped her in newspaper and made newspaper "arms" with a gun at the end. So funny! Do you see it? And of course, Olivia is sporting Hannah's design which included the bow made out of the newspaper bag (center).
It's so sad that the beach house where these pictures were taken is no longer standing. Thank you Hurricane Ike!
loved this week's episode too!!!
Thought of you and Hannah throughout the entire episode. Her dress looks a lot like one that one of the designers made on the show, you know! Love your family fun times!
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