-Excerpt from Jonathan's Journal, January 13, 2007
Jonathan Andrew Harris came into the presence of his Lord. As most of you know, Jonathan had been battling cancer for many years, and as testimony to God's immeasurable grace, Jonathan continued to serve his Saviour in every way he could. He was a gentle husband who strove to love his wife Melissa as Christ loved the church. He was a careful father who sought to bring up his two little girls in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. He was a humble son who honored his father and mother in all things. He was a treasured friend and brother whose communication was free from corruption and edified everyone around him.
Jonathan taught at Helmers Street Christian School for several years while going through intensive cancer treatments, making a lasting impact for the Gospel on all his coworkers and students. From a very early age, Jonathan had a burden to minister on a foreign field, and in 2009 he made the step of faith to begin full-time deputation as a missionary to Spain. The Lord, however, has seen fit to get more glory from Jonathan by taking him home, and transforming Jonathan perfectly into the image of Christ His Son. As Jonathan would want, let's honor his memory by honoring his Saviour, and striving to serve Him no matter what obstacles we may face in our lives.
So, much could be said about Jonathan. He was faithful to the end. Spending the weekend with his family and friends makes me want to do so much better. To love the Lord more...To tell/show those special people in my life that I love them so much...to prioritize....
Please keep Melissa and her girls, Katie (8) and Emma(3) in your prayers.
I googled Jonathan's name today and just found this page. I was blown away! Thank you so much for creating this page. I read those verses today while thinking of Jonathan and reflecting on his struggles and trials. What a powerful man he was and fueled by our awesome God!
This is very special.. Thank you so much Mimi!
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