Saturday ended up being pretty busy. Took a short trip to Navasota to meet with Suzy. Afterwards, I picked mom up since we both planned on being crafty this weekend. And then, we started running out of time because there was a party to go to. Well, as I mentioned before, sometimes I literally, stop, drop and ROLL with it. I started the project at the party. *blush* In my defense, it was not the most happenin' party I've been to, per se.
The Cranes:

ha ha ha - side note: I just thought - looking at these pictures - of a man at a toll booth who said to me, "Smiling is free!" I'm so "serious!"

Final products:

Stink that the pictures aren't working. I can't wait to see them - especially the one that warranted the toll booth guy quote. :)
Those turned out so cute!! Where are they on display?
you're the most creative person I know!!!!
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