So, I didn't get to watch all the Oscar show, but I AM SO GLAD I didn't miss Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová winning the award for best original music! Seriously, it's such a BIG deal! I mean - HUGE! These guys made a low budget film and never EVER dreamed of getting and OSCAR and THEY DID!!!! And the music is GOOD! I'm SO PUMPED! Talk about underdogs!!
Did you guys watch it? I mean, the Oscar's? What were your favorite wins?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I'm officially OLD!

So I think that I'm having issues about becoming 26 (birthday's not till April). I mean what is special about being 26? I think the next recognizable/MILESTONE birthday isn't until I'm 30!
So I think that I'm having issues about becoming 26 (birthday's not till April). I mean what is special about being 26? I think the next recognizable/MILESTONE birthday isn't until I'm 30!
Then to top it off my cousin Amy calls me to tell me that 80's music is OFFICIALLY considered oldies! I mean, I even called KTRK (the news she watches) to verify she wasn't making this up.
IT'S TRUE!!!!!!!!!
I'm old!
p.s. no one is crying. pretty much laughing my head off about this!
A Wednesday Word: making wednesday worthwhile
shlumpadinka • \shlum-puh-DINK-uh\ • noun
: a woman who dresses like she has completely given up on herself and it shows : a dowdy and unstylish woman
Example Sentence: There you are running out to get the paper looking like a shlumpadinka. —Oprah Winfrey (April 27, 2007)
Did you know?"I have to practice not looking like a shlumpadinka on the air," said Oprah Winfrey on her eponymous show, broadcast April 15, 1997. Oprah has occasionally separated shlumpa and dinka, the constituent parts of the word, for emphasis: "You are watching right now in your sweats...the same sweats you had on yesterday and the day are a shlumpa and a dinka and you know it!" Oprah has also used the word shlumpadink to refer to a masculine subject, although this form is somewhat less frequently heard. Oprah has often used shlumpadinka attributively to modify another noun, as in "It's my shlumpadinka shoes!" or "You're watching me right now in your shlumpadinka pajamas." Merriam-Webster's editors believe that the word is influenced by schlump, a word of Yiddish origin meaning "a sloppy or dowdy person."
Submitted by: Feb. 19, 2008 4:14 pm
Feeling a little shlumpadinka yourself? Give your brain a daily makeover by subscribing to Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day—one of life's free (and guilt-free) pleasures!
If it's in the dictionary, you can look it up instantly anywhere on the Web with the free Merriam-Webster Search Box—available with other great downloads here.
Okay - I cheated! I stole this from HERE!! No, actually SHE told me to do it!!
Hope you're not looking like a shlumpadinka! :o)
: a woman who dresses like she has completely given up on herself and it shows : a dowdy and unstylish woman
Example Sentence: There you are running out to get the paper looking like a shlumpadinka. —Oprah Winfrey (April 27, 2007)
Did you know?"I have to practice not looking like a shlumpadinka on the air," said Oprah Winfrey on her eponymous show, broadcast April 15, 1997. Oprah has occasionally separated shlumpa and dinka, the constituent parts of the word, for emphasis: "You are watching right now in your sweats...the same sweats you had on yesterday and the day are a shlumpa and a dinka and you know it!" Oprah has also used the word shlumpadink to refer to a masculine subject, although this form is somewhat less frequently heard. Oprah has often used shlumpadinka attributively to modify another noun, as in "It's my shlumpadinka shoes!" or "You're watching me right now in your shlumpadinka pajamas." Merriam-Webster's editors believe that the word is influenced by schlump, a word of Yiddish origin meaning "a sloppy or dowdy person."
Submitted by: Feb. 19, 2008 4:14 pm
Feeling a little shlumpadinka yourself? Give your brain a daily makeover by subscribing to Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day—one of life's free (and guilt-free) pleasures!
If it's in the dictionary, you can look it up instantly anywhere on the Web with the free Merriam-Webster Search Box—available with other great downloads here.
Okay - I cheated! I stole this from HERE!! No, actually SHE told me to do it!!
Hope you're not looking like a shlumpadinka! :o)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Fun, FUN!
- Made a load of progress on my craft room! It's been since before the Christmas holidays that I've messed with it. SO SO SO excited about it!
- Since buying the house, I've not had a light fixture in my bedroom. The one it had was u-g-l-y! So, I took it down without replacing it. I looked and looked and LOOKED! Nothing was stealing my heart! (Don't you think that when you're spending money on something that is almost permanent - it has to be your new favorite BLANK! Sursly...that's my strategy.) All that to say that there's a restaurant by the office that I pass by and they have the best lamps ever! They are outdoor lamps. Well, guess what? A similar outdoor lamp is now hanging off the ceiling in my bedroom. The glass has some texture to it so it creates these prism shadows...I don't know what else to call it, but I think it's MAGICAL! I love it!
- I received the March issue of Country Living magazine and one of the ladies whose blog I frequent made it IN! So fun! It's exciting...and I don't even know this lady. Look she makes fun totes for her friends:
- One more thing: check out these business cards!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
A Wednesday Word: making wednesday worthwhile
pas·sive [pas-iv]
1. not reacting visibly to something that might be expected to produce manifestations of an emotion or feeling.
2. not participating readily or actively; inactive: a passive member of a committee.
3. not involving visible reaction or active participation: to play a passive role.
1. not reacting visibly to something that might be expected to produce manifestations of an emotion or feeling.
2. not participating readily or actively; inactive: a passive member of a committee.
3. not involving visible reaction or active participation: to play a passive role.
I've noticed that there is a lot of advice on how to be a good parent, how to have a good relationship, how to be a good friend, etc. More than that though, I've noticed that specific advice often transcends what it addresses - it is universal. I read this last fall and it has stuck with me. Sometimes it may seem like common sense. But when this sort of advice resonates in your being, it is more than common sense - it is TRUTH!
No enemy is more subtle than passivity. When parents are passive,
they may eventually discipline, but by then the delayed reaction is often
carried out in anger. Passivity waits and waits until finally, when it can wait
no longer, it comes down with both feet! When that happens, children are not
disciplined, they are brutalized. Passivity not only blinds us to
the here and now, it makes us inconsistent.
by Charles R. Swindoll, Great Days with the Great Lives,
italics added by Mimi Marquez
I think at one time or another we have all encountered passivity and the dreaded "explosion." Wow, how passivity doesn't do us any good!! It causes more damage than we are willing to admit.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Poetry & Sunny Days
That combination makes for a skip to my lou disposition! This weekend was absolutely pleasant. I wouldn't have had it any other way.
I bought two poetry books this weekend. I don't think I'll ever have enough poetry. Wanna see??
I really enjoy the illustrations that accompany the poems in this anthology. If you hang out with any kids I strongly recommend this book. It's got GREAT stuff - from silly to GO GET 'em TIGER!
WHOA NELLY! This is good. The english translation does it NO JUSTICE! Spanish is so beautiful. It's times like these when I wish EVERYONE could understand it!
I bought two poetry books this weekend. I don't think I'll ever have enough poetry. Wanna see??
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
A Wednesday Word: making wednesday worthwhile
Words make songs. Some songs are worth posting on a Wednesday!
Enjoy! ha ha ha.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
WOW! OMG. Like the most INCREDIBLE game I've ever, Ever, EVER seen! Even I, pretty much a non-football girl, was on my feet hooting and hollering throughout the entire game for the Giants! Wow. I hope you guys didn't miss out on Mr. Hollywood losing! The Patriot's coach is a sour puss! But who can blame him really? It's a true upset. OH BUT WHAT A SWEET VICTORY!! AMAZING! UNBELIEVABLE!
And one more thing - I CANNOT believe Paula Abdul! Is she really serious with the new single or is it a promo for American Idol? If that's the case (promo for AI) I think it nullifies all commentary from both her and Randy! I mean, seriously? Seriously, she made a single? Where is Simon to shoo them off stage?
WOW! OMG. Like the most INCREDIBLE game I've ever, Ever, EVER seen! Even I, pretty much a non-football girl, was on my feet hooting and hollering throughout the entire game for the Giants! Wow. I hope you guys didn't miss out on Mr. Hollywood losing! The Patriot's coach is a sour puss! But who can blame him really? It's a true upset. OH BUT WHAT A SWEET VICTORY!! AMAZING! UNBELIEVABLE!
And one more thing - I CANNOT believe Paula Abdul! Is she really serious with the new single or is it a promo for American Idol? If that's the case (promo for AI) I think it nullifies all commentary from both her and Randy! I mean, seriously? Seriously, she made a single? Where is Simon to shoo them off stage?
YAY! part 2
After seeing a really fun project on Heather Bailey's site, I decided Pearl needed a seasonal update.
Saturday ended up being pretty busy. Took a short trip to Navasota to meet with Suzy. Afterwards, I picked mom up since we both planned on being crafty this weekend. And then, we started running out of time because there was a party to go to. Well, as I mentioned before, sometimes I literally, stop, drop and ROLL with it. I started the project at the party. *blush* In my defense, it was not the most happenin' party I've been to, per se.
The Cranes:
Work in progress...(Thanks to Tim, my bro.)
ha ha ha - side note: I just thought - looking at these pictures - of a man at a toll booth who said to me, "Smiling is free!" I'm so "serious!"

Final products:
Detail on the dangley heart:
Saturday ended up being pretty busy. Took a short trip to Navasota to meet with Suzy. Afterwards, I picked mom up since we both planned on being crafty this weekend. And then, we started running out of time because there was a party to go to. Well, as I mentioned before, sometimes I literally, stop, drop and ROLL with it. I started the project at the party. *blush* In my defense, it was not the most happenin' party I've been to, per se.
The Cranes:

ha ha ha - side note: I just thought - looking at these pictures - of a man at a toll booth who said to me, "Smiling is free!" I'm so "serious!"

Final products:

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Have I ever mentioned how much I enjoy the Valentine's Season? True it can be over the top & perhaps overrated, but I love the displays when you walk into little shops like Cornelius, Another Place in Time, HALLMARK... Nevermind the cheesy white bears with the heart shaped red paws, but WOW for the RIBBONS and hearts and just pure merriment!
I like to put little rearview mirror decor things on Pearl (my car). For the fall & winter, I've had paper cranes. Those are coming down so Pearl can sport one of these!
I'm so excited about making it!! You can make one too if you'd like. Visit Heather Bailey for instructions.
P.S. A new header is coming soon! I'm excited about showing it to you.
I like to put little rearview mirror decor things on Pearl (my car). For the fall & winter, I've had paper cranes. Those are coming down so Pearl can sport one of these!

P.S. A new header is coming soon! I'm excited about showing it to you.
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