Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Birthday Wish

Good morning, friends!

Thank you SOOOO very much for making me feel extra special on my birthday through Facebook, phone calls, texts and cards!

Growing up, my family has never made a big fuss about birthdays. And thankfully as a result, I'm pretty low maintenance. A hug and a happy birthday is enough really. It's always been pretty simple - grill some good food and blow out the candles on a cake. Sometimes, it's the morning wake up call with the traditional Mexican birthday song Las Mañanitas! I love it!

This year though - I do have a wish and it's to go back to Guatemala for 5 weeks this summer. I'm paying for most of the trip, but I need help raising $500.

If you'd like to help me, HERE is the link. Another way to help is honestly to pray! It doesn't sound like much - but praying is a big deal and because of requests made to the Lord much is accomplished!

This orphanage in Guatemala is one place that makes my heart skip a beat! I haven't been able to shut up about it lately - especially since going back is a REALITY! The plane tickets are going to be purchased THIS WEEK!


P.S. I've lost the fear of turning 30 on my 29th birthday!!


Jenn Beyer Talton said...

LOVE YOU BUNCHES!!! I wish I was there to help celebrate YOU! Happy birthday!

Ulovebeth said...

I hope you have had a very happy birthday!!! This is a great time for me to take you out for coffee/tea/time with Mimi. :)
(i couldn't get the link to point me the right direction) :(